Grow your local community and network connections.

Whether you take on marketplace tasks or not, you know as well as we do that the really valuable opportunities come from your network.

Join our network of 10,000+ freelancers and businesses, all growing their trusted network based on connections, matches and recommendations.

As this unique Market Network grows, you will be connected with the best freelance talent to help you grow your network.


What are the challenges of freelancing?



Limited work and low prices. Less than 5% of freelancers get work from marketplaces and pay rates are low.


Agencies and platforms charge up to 25% commission on projects, reducing the margin available to freelancers.


Up to 90% of a freelancers work comes through contacts or businesses they've previously worked for. Maintaining their network is vital.

Introducing City Founder Status

If you have arrived at this page, you are a Community Manager and
have been personally invited by the founders of FreelanceHUB

What is FreelanceHUB?

FreelanceHub is the online home for freelancers, where they connect with businesses and each other to get work done. Whether you take on marketplace tasks or not, you know that the valuable opportunities come from your network.

FreelanceHUB is where Marketplace meets network.

Whilst the freelance market is now global there remains a requirement for local interaction around major cities.

We would like to offer you City Founder status

Our City Founders are preferred partners, with a limited number of 10 in each city.

What does a City Founder do?
When a business comes onto FreelanceHUB looking for a freelancer specialising in Community Managing, you will be our preferred partner.

It’s really as simple as that. You get business and we provide a service in the early days.

As the network grows then of course there will be other Community Managers but you remain the preferred partner and hopefully continue to play an important role in the City Hub as it expands.
Freelancer Networking
Why did you ask me specifically?
We have found you based on our research or recommendation that you are an active Community Managers and would be a great addition to our small band of Founders, as well as our quickly expanding network of thousands of freelancers and businesses, all growing their trusted network based on connections, matches and recommendations.

As this unique Market Network grows, you will be connected with the best freelance talent to help you grow your influence.
Freelancer Meeting

Introducing City Founder Status

WhilstFreelanceHUB is global, it will also enable local collaboration based around major cities. FreelanceHUB is selecting a team of 8 ‘City Founders’ per city.


A business looking for freelancers may require help from
A Consultant to advise on strategy, technology and type of project required.
A Project Manager to define projects briefs and build-out a team to deliver a project.
A boutique or niche Agency that provides full strategic, management and delivery services.
there will be two of each category above, per city
Found out more


To help build the network/interaction in each City:
A Community Manager to build and grow a network of freelancers and businesses
A Social Media Manager to raise the profile of the FreelanceHUB community.
there will be one of each per city

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What will you receive as a City Founder

There are a number of benefits that you will receive to help you grow your City Community and your network of trusted freelancers

Free lifetime Premium access to the FreelanceHUB platform.
Your details listed on FreelanceHUB as a Founder Member.
Ability to promote your content to the FreelanceHUB network.
Automatically join the Founder Member Groups Community on FreelanceHUB.
The opportunity to invest in and influence the future innovation of FreelanceHUB.
The opportunity to add your network to the FreelanceHUB Network. In fact, we ask that you introduce a minimum of 40 freelancers to activate your Founder Member status.
Find out more
Freelancer in meeting

How do you get started?

Becoming a FreelanceHUB founder member is easy, so you can start growing your influence and network straight away.
We invite you to become a FreelanceHUB City Founder Member
You start to build your City community and invite your contacts to join
We help you promote yourself and your content within the FreelanceHub platform
We grow your City and FreelanceHUB community together

What do Freelancers and Businesses
say about FreelanceHUB?

Growing a boutique design agency with traditional recruitment models is not just expensive but very risky, we have managed to grow by 350% in the last 5 years by building teams of freelancers around our core offering to become pretty much a full-service agency, not bad eh!

Jonathan Docksey

Design JD
Speech Mark

This model works for me in two ways, I get more work from boutique agencies with zero BD effort, and I can expand my capacity by collaborating with other web developers, win/win!

Paul Murphy

Freelance Developer
Murphy Digital
Speech Mark

After Uni I decided to start my own business/social enterprise, being able to access regular freelance work through my Marketing Industry connections was what kept the lights on!

Ella Stewart

Bake Well Being
Speech Mark

As a founder trying to launch and scale a business I use freelancers on a regular basis. FreelanceHub is a clear step up in terms of what is available today. I particularly like the way I can now manage my freelance team and continue to build my pipeline of talent

Kevin Turner

Founder & CEO
Speech Mark

Find out more about becoming a City Founder

Book a call to find out how to become a
FreelanceHub City Founder

Founding Member FAQs

As a Founder, can I input any ideas I have for FreelanceHUB?

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Yes...and with City Founder status you will have direct access to the FreelanceHUB Management team and founders of the business.

Can I place this on my LinkedIn profile?

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Of course...please do!...and we will place you on our site as a City Founder with your details.

How long does my City Founder status last?

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Forever. All the time that you are engaged then we want you. Don’t worry, it’s not a full-time job or take up a large amount of time but we want to create this global movement and want you part of that City strategy. There will be in excess of 100 City Hubs.

What does the City FreelanceHUB actually look like?

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Basically it’s a page that has the core content and messages with great content (shared with the people that are also in that City) as well as message boards where people share questions and advice etc

When you say I can invest, how does that work?

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Users of sites are sometimes frustrated that they love the business but only the ‘money people’ get a chance to invest. FreelanceHUB is built by and for the Freelancer so uniquely we want to give you an opportunity to invest alongside the professionals in much smaller amounts.

Why are Cities important if FreelanceHUB is a global business?

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Freelancers can get work from anywhere in the world but there will still be projects and businesses that require some on-site work or meetings. From a freelancer perspective, it is also a lonely business so a local community with similar culture and work experiences creates a good support network and a vibrant HUB that will build to be a catalyst of work and sharing of opportunities.

Why have you selected me?

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Because you have the influence, following and knowledge that will help build a vibrant City FreelanceHUB and be able to help businesses and interact with Freelancers in your area.

Will I get eventually get paid for being a City Founder?

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We hope so. As your City Hub and FreelanceHUB builds, then there will be revenues to pay on a part-time basis, creating online and offline events as well as new and engaging content etc.